The numbers refer to entries, not pages.
Albany centinel, 364
Albany chronicle, 365
Albany chronicle, or, Journal of the times, 366
Albany gazette (1771), 367
Albany gazette (1784), 368
Albany journal, or, The Montgomery, Washington and Columbia intelligencer, 369
Albany register, 370
Alexandria advertiser and commercial intelligencer, 723
Allgemeine americanische zeitungs-schreiber, 619
American. And daily advertiser, 107
American advertiser, Hartford, Conn., 7
American advertiser, Richmond, Va., 771
American apollo, 131
American citizen and general advertiser, 386
American farmer, and Dutchess County advertiser, 480
American gazette, 736
American gazette & general advertiser, 737
American gazette, and Norfolk and Portsmouth public advertiser, 738
American gazette, and Norfolk and Portsmouth weekly advertiser, 739
American gazette, or, The Constitutional journal, 243
American herald (Boston, Mass.), 132
American herald (Leominster, Mass.), 223
American herald, and general advertiser, 543
American herald: and the general advertiser, 133
American herald, and the Washington gazette, 133.5
American herald, and the Worcester recorder, 265
American herald of liberty, 290
American journal and general advertiser, 657
American journal, and Suffolk intelligencer, 134
American mercury, 3
American Minerva; an evening advertiser, 387
American Minerva, and the New-York (evening) advertiser, 388
American Minerva, patroness of peace, commerce, and the liberal arts, 389
American Minerva, patroness of peace, commerce, and the liberal arts and the New-York (evening) advertiser, 390
American naval and commercial register, 543
American oracle of liberty, 266, 268, 269
American price-current, 391
American recorder, and the Charlestown advertiser, 210
American spy, 384
American star. L'Etoile Americaine, 544
American star, or, Historical, political, critical, and moral journal, 545
American telegraphe, 40
American telegrphe, & Fairfield County gazette, 41
American weekly mercury, 546
Amherst journal, and the New Hampshire advertiser, 273
An Occasional paper, 651
Andrews's western star, 261
Anti-Courant, 195
Argus, Boston, Mass., 135
Argus, Putney, Vt., 713
Argus. Greenleaf's new daily advertiser, 411
Argus & Greenleaf's new daily advertiser, 392
Argus, or, Greenleaf's new daily advertiser, 393
Augusta chronicle, 77
Augusta herald, 76
Aurora. General advertiser, Bristol, Pa., 521
Aurora. General advertiser, Philadelphia, Pa., 547
Bache's Philadelphia aurora, 548
Baltimore daily intelligencer, 108
Baltimore daily repository, 109
Baltimore evening post, 110
Baltimore evening post and daily advertiser, 111
Baltimore general advertiser (1775), 113
Baltimore general advertiser (1786), 117
Baltimore morning post and daily advertiser., 111
Baltimore telegraphe, 112
Bartgis's federal gazette, or, The Frederick County weekly advertiser, 128
Bartgis's Marylandische zeitung, 129
Bath gazette, and Genesee advertiser, 372
Bee, 31
Berkeley intelligencer, 787
Berkshire chronicle, 240
Boston chronicle, 136
Boston daily advertiser, 199
Boston evening-post, 137
Boston evening-post: and the general advertiser, 138
Boston gazette, 139
Boston gazette, and the country journal, 140
Boston gazette, and weekly republican journal, 141
Boston gazette, commercial and political, 142
Boston gazette, or, Country journal, 143
Boston gazette, or, New England weekly journal, 144
Boston gazette, or, Weekly advertiser, 145
Boston gazette, or, Weekly journal, 146
Boston news-letter (1704), 147
Boston news-letter (1757), 148
Boston news-letter, and New-England chronicle, 149
Boston post-boy, 150
Boston post-boy & advertiser, 151
Boston price current and marine intelligencer, 152
Boston weekly advertiser, 153
Boston weekly news-letter (1730), 154
Boston weekly news-letter (1768), 155
Boston weekly post-boy, 156
Boston-gazette, and country journal, 264
Bowen's Virginia centinel & gazette, or, The Winchester political repository, 782
Bowen's Virginia centinel and gazette, or, The Winchester repository, 782
Brookfield advertiser, 205, 208
Brunswick gazette, 346
Brunswick gazette and weekly monitor, 347
Burlington advertiser, or, Agricultural and political intelligencer, 338
Cape-Fear mercury, 510
Carey's Pennsylvania evening herald, 549
Carey's Pennsylvania evening herald and American monitor, 550
Carey's United States' recorder, 551
Carlisle gazette (1794), 524
Carlisle gazette, and the western repository of knowledge, 523
Castine journal and the eastern advertiser, 93
Catskill packet, 376
Censor, 157
Centinel and country gazette, 61
Centinel of freedom, 351
Centinel of liberty, and George-town advertiser, 62
Centinel of liberty, and George-town and Washington advertiser
(Jan., 1799), 63
Centinel of liberty, or, George-town and Washington advertiser, 64
Centinel of the North-Western Territory, 518
Charleston evening gazette, 665
Charleston morning post, and daily advertiser, 666
Charlestown gazette, 667
Chelsea courier, 42
Cheshire journal, 311
Chesnuthiller Wochenschrift, 528
Chronicle of freedom, 585
Chronicle of liberty, or, Republican intelligencer, 668
City gazette & daily advertiser, 669
City gazette, and the daily advertiser, 670
City gazette or, The Daily advertiser, 671
Claypoole's American daily advertiser, 552
Claypoole's daily advertiser, 588
Collier's Litchfield weekly monitor, 9
Columbia gazette, 701
Columbian centinel, 159
Columbian centinal, Massachusetts Federalist, 159
Columbian centinel & Massachusetts Federalist, 160
Columbian chronicle, 65
Columbian courier, 224
Columbian gazette, 394
Columbian gazetteer, 395
Columbian herald & daily advertiser, 672
Columbian herald, and the general advertiser, 673
Columbian herald, or, Independent courier of North-America, 674
Columbian herald, or, The New daily advertiser, 675
Columbian herald, or, The Patriotic courier of North America, 676
Columbian herald, or, The Southern star, 677
Columbian informer, or, Cheshire journal, 311
Columbian Minerva, 211
Columbian mirror and Alexandria gazette, 724
Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser, 80
Commercial advertiser, 396
Commercial gazette, 152
Companion; and commercial centinel, 646
Complete counting house companion, 553
Concord herald, 275
Concord herald, and Newhampshire intelligencer, 276
Connecticut courant, and Hartford weekly intelligencer, 5
Connecticut courant, and the weekly advertiser, 4
Connecticut courant and the weekly intelligencer, 6
Connecticut courant, 4
Connecticut gazette, New Haven, 22
Connecticut gazette, New London, 32
Connecticut gazette, and the commercial intelligencer, 33
Connecticut gazette, and the universal intelligencer, 34
Connecticut gazette, with the freshest advices foreign and domestick, 23
Connecticut, Hudson's River, New Jersey, and Quebec weekly advertiser (1773), 468
Connecticut, Hudson's River, New Jersey, and Quebec weekly advertiser (1777), 467
Connecticut journal, 24
Connecticut journal, and New Haven post-boy, 25
Connecticut journal and weekly advertiser, 26
Connecticut, New Jersey, Hudson's River, and Quebec, weekly advertiser, 469
Constitutional courrant, 363
Constitutional diary and Philadelphia evening advertiser, 554
Constitutional gazette, 397
Constitutional journal, 244
Constitutional telegraph, 161
Continental journal, and weekly advertiser, 162
Continuation of The North-Carolina gazette, 512
Country journal, 143
Country journal, and the Poughkeepsie advertiser, 481
Country porcupine, 555
County journal, 49
Courier, 43, 163
Courier and general advertiser, 166
Courier, and Long Island advertiser, 373
Courier, and New-York and Long Island advertiser, 374
Courier de Boston: affiches, announces, et avis, 167
Courier de l'Amerique, 557
Courier of New Hampshire, 277
Courier. Boston evening gazette, and general advertiser, 165
Courier. Boston evening gazette and universal advertiser, 164
Cumberland gazette, 96
Daily advertiser, New York, 398
Daily advertiser, Philadelphia, 559
Daily advertiser, South Carolina, 669
Daily advertiser, political, commercial, and historical, 399
Daily advertiser, political, historical, and commercial, 400
Daily evening gazette and Charleston tea-table, companion, 678
Dartmouth centinel, 310
Dartmouth gazette, 309
Delaware and Eastern-Shore advertiser, 55
Delaware gazette (1785), 56
Delaware gazette (1789), 57
Delaware gazette (1791), 58
Delaware gazette, and general advertiser, 59
Delaware gazette, or, The Faithful centinel, 60
Dessert to the true American, 560
Deutsche porcupein, und Lancaster anzeigis-nachrichten, 535
Diary, 401
Diary and mercantile advertiser, 402
Diary, & universal advertiser, 403
Diary, & universal daily advertiser, 404
Diary, or, Evening register, 405
Diary, or, Loudon's register, 406
Dunlap and Claypooles American daily advertiser, 561
Dunlap's American daily advertiser, 562
Dunlap's Maryland gazette, or, The Baltimore general advertiser, 113
Dunlap's Pennsylvania packet, or, The General advertiser, 563
Eagle, or, Dartmouth centinel, 310
East-Florida gazette, 75
Eastern herald, 97
Eastern herald and gazette of Maine, 99
Eastern Shore political luminary, 127
Edenton gazette, 489
Edenton intelligencer, 490
Edwards's Baltimore daily advertiser, 114
Epitome of the times, 740
Essex gazette, 244
Essex journal, 227
Essex journal & New Hampshire packet, 227, 229
Essex journal and Merrimack packet, or, The Massachusetts and, New Hampshire general advertiser, 227
Essex journal and the Massachusetts and New Hampshire general advertiser, 230
Essex journal, or, New Hampshire packet, 231
Essex journal, or, The Massachusetts and New Hampshire, general advertiser, 232
Essex journal, or, The New-Hampsire packet and the weekly advertiser, 233
Evening chronicle, 564
Evening chronicle, or, The Philadelphia advertiser, 565
Evening courier, 679
Evening entertainer, 202
Evening post; and the general advertiser, 168
Evening register, 405
Evening vesper courier, 679
Examiner, 757
Exchange advertiser, 169
Exeter circulating morning chronicle, 300
Exeter federal miscellany, 291
Exeter gazette (June 1795), 307
Exeter gazette (Nov. 1795), 297
Exeter journal, or, New Hampshire gazette, 292
Exeter journal, or, The New Hampshire gazette, and Tuesday's general advertiser (1778), 293
Exeter journal, or, The New Hampshire gazette, and Tuesday's general advertiser (1779), 294
Exeter morning chronicle, 299
Fairfield gazette, 2.25
Fairfield gazette, or, The Independent intelligencer, 2.75
Faithful centinel, 60
Falmouth gazette and weekly advertiser, 94
Farmer's journal, 2
Farmer's monitor, 10
Farmer's museum, or, Lay preacher's gazette, 332
Farmer's register, 380, 526
Farmer's weekly museum (1793), 336
Farmer's weekly museum (1794), 335
Farmer's weekly museum: Newhampshire and Vermon, journal, 334
Farmers chronicle, 1
Farmers' journal, 206
Farmers' library, or, Vermont political & historical register, 714
Farmers' museum, or, Literary gazette, 333
Farmers' weekly journal, 529
Fayetteville gazette, 494
Federal adviser, 21
Federal Carolina gazette, 680
Federal galaxy, 711
Federal gazette & Baltimore daily advertiser, 115
Federal gazette and daily advertiser, 170
Federal gazette and general advertiser, 171
Federal gazette and Philadelphia daily advertiser, 566
Federal gazette, and Philadelphia evening post, 567
Federal gazette, and the Philadelphia evening post, 568
Federal Intelligencer and Baltimore daily gazette, 116
Federal mirror, 278
Federal observer, 315
Federal orrery, 172
Federal spy, 253
Federal spy and Springfield advertiser, 254
Federal spy and Springfield weekly advertiser, 253
Federalist & New Jersey State gazette, 358
Federalist, or, New Jersey gazette, 357
Finlay's American naval and commercial register, 569
Forlorn hope, 407
Fowle's New Hampshire gazette, and general advertiser, 316
Franklin repository, 527
Frederick County weekly advertiser, 128
Freeman's chronicle, or, The American advertiser, 7
Freeman's journal, 519
Freeman's journal and Chillicothe advertiser, 516
Freeman's journal, or, New Hampshire gazette, 317
Freeman's journal, or, The North-America intelligencer, 570
Freeman's oracle, and New Hampshire advertiser, 295
Freeman's depository (1783), 709
Freeman's depository (1784), 710
Freshest advices, foreign and domestic, 651
Friend of the people, a political paper, 758
Gale's independent gazetteer, 571
Gazette, 99
Gazette Francaise, 408
Gazette Francaise et Americaine, 409
Gazette francoise, 647
Gazette of Maine, 100
Gazette of the State of South Carolina, 681
Gazette of the United States, New York, 410
Gazette of the United States (1790), Philadelphia, 572
Gazette of the United States (1795), Philadelphia, 573
Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser, 574
Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser, 575
Gazette of the United States and evening advertiser, 576
Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser, 577
Gazetter of the State of Georgia, 81
Gemeinnutzigige Philadelphische correspondenz, 578
General advertiser (1777), Lancaster, Pa. , 538
General advertiser (1767), New York, N.Y., 446
General advertiser (1779), New York, N.Y., 449
General advertiser (1783), New York, N.Y., 417
General advertiser (1773), Philadelphia, 563
General advertiser (1791), Philadelphia, 579
General advertiser (1782), Springfield, Mass., 259
General advertiser, and political, commercial, agricultural and literary journal, 580
General-postbothe an die Deutsche nation in Amerika, 581
Genius of liberty, 343
Genius of liberty; and Fredericksburg & Falmouth advertiser, 731
George-town and Washington advertiser, 64
George-Town weekly ledger, 66
Georgia gazette (1763), 82
Georgia gazette (1788), 83
Georgia State gazette, or, Independent register, 78
Georgia. The Augusta chronical and gazette of the State, 77
Germantauner zeitung, 531
Gilmanton gazette: and farmers' weekly magazine, 308
Green & Russells Boston post-boy & advertiser, 173
Green Mountain patriot, 712
Greenfield gazette, 212
Greenfield gazette. A register of genuine Federalism, 213
Greenfield gazette. An impartial register of the times, 214
Greenfield gazette, or, Massachusetts and Vermont telegraphe, 215
Greenleaf's new daily advertiser, 411
Greenleaf's New York journal, & patriotic register, 412
Guardian of freedom, Haverhill, Mass., 217
Guardian of freedom, Frankfort, Kentucky, 85
Guardian of liberty, 648
Guardian, or, New-Brunswick advertiser, 348
Hall's Wilmington gazette, 511
Hampshire and Berkshire chronicle, 255
Hampshire chronicle, 256
Hampshire gazette, 238
Hampshire herald, 257
Hampshire herald, or, The Weekly advertiser, 258
Harrisburgh journal, and the weekly advertiser, 533
Hartford gazette, 8
Hartford gazette, and universal advertiser, 8
Haskwell's Vermont gazette, 708
Haskwell's Vermont gazette revived, 708
Haswell's Massachusetts spy, or, American oracle of liberty (1778), 268
Haverhill federal gazette, 218
Haverhill gazette, 218
Henrich Millers Pennsylvanisher staatsbote, 582
Herald, 741
Herald and Eastern Shore intelligencer, 125
Herald, and Norfolk and Portsmouth advertiser, 742
Herald of freedom, Boston, 174
Herald of freedom, Edenton, N.C., 491
Herald of freedom and the federal advertiser, 175
Herald of liberty, 296, 644.5
Herald of liberty, or, Exeter gazette, 297
Herald of the United States, 664
Herald of Vermont, or, Rutland courier, 715
Herald of Virginia, and Fincastle weekly advertiser, 730
Herald; a gazette for the country, 413
Hough's Concord herald (1791), 279
Hough's Concord herald (1792), 280
Hudson weekly gazette, 379
Impartial gazetteer, 414
Impartial gazetteer, and Saturday evening's post, 414
Impartial herald, Haverhill, Mass., 219
Impartial herald, Newburyport, Mass., 234
Impartial intelligencer, 216
Impartial intelligencer, and weekly general advertiser, 504
Impartial journal, 52
Impartial observer, and Washington advertiser, 71
Impartial register, 245
Independent advertiser, 176
Independent chronicle, 177
Independent chronicle. And the universal advertiser, 178
Independent courier of North-America, 674
Independent gazette, or, New-York journal revived, 415
Independent gazetteer, Worcester, Mass., 267
Independent gazetteer, Philadelphia, Pa., 583
Independent gazetteer, and agricultural repository, 584
Independent gazetteer, or, The Chronicle of freedom, 585
Independent journal, or, The General advertiser, 416
Independent ledger, and Petersburg and Blandford public advertiser, 754
Independent ledger, and the American advertiser, 179
Independent New-York gazette, 417
Independent reflector, 418
J. Russell's gazette, commercial and political, 180
Jenks's Portland gazette, 101
Jersey chronicle, 345
Journal of the times, 52.5
Kennebeck intelligencer, 92
Kentucke gazette, 87
Kentucky gazette, 88
Kentucky journal, 87
Kline's Carlisle weekly gazette, 524
Knoxville gazette, 704
L'Etoile Americaine, ou, Journal historique, politique, critique et moral, 545
Lamson's weekly visitor, 298
Lancaster journal, 536
Lay preacher's gazette, 332
Level of Europe and North America, 586
Level of Europe and North America, or, The Observer's guide, 587
Litchfield-county monitor, 11
Litchfield monitor, 12
Litchfield monitor and agricultural register, 13
Litchfield weekly monitor, 14
Literary gazette, 333
Little-Compton scourge, or, Anti-Courant, 195
Long Island courier, 375
Loudon's New-York packet, 419
Loudon's register, 406
Mail, or, Claypoole's daily advertiser, 588
Martin's North Carolina gazette, 500
Maryland gazette (1727), 102
Maryland gazette (1733), 103
Maryland gazette (1745), 104
Maryland gazette and Annapolis advertiser, 105
Maryland gazette, and Frederick weekly advertiser, 130
Maryland gazette, or, The Baltimore advertiser, 117
Maryland gazette, or, The Baltimore general advertiser, 118
Maryland gazette reviv'd, 106
Maryland herald, & c, 126
Maryland herald, and Eastern Shore intelligencer, 126
Maryland journal, and Baltimore advertiser, 119, 120
Maryland journal, and Baltimore universal daily advertiser, 121
Maryland journal, and the Baltimore advertiser, 122
Massachusetts and New Hampshire general advertiser, 227, 230
Massachusetts and Vermont telegraphe, 215
Massachusetts centinel, 181
Massachusetts centinel: and the Republican journal, 182
Massachusetts gazette, 183, 184, 185
Massachusetts gazette. And Boston news-letter, 185
Massachusetts gazette, and the Boston post-boy and advertiser, 186
Massachusetts gazette; and the Boston weekly newsletter, 18
Massachusetts gazette, or, The General advertiser, 259
Massachusetts gazette, or, The Springfield and Northampton weekly advertiser, 260
Massachusetts mercury (1793), 188, 192
Massachusetts mercury (1797), 189
Massachusetts spy, 190
Massachusetts spy, or, American oracle of liberty, 268
Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal, 191
Medley, or, Newbedford marine journal, 225
Mercantile advertiser, 420
Mercury, 192
Middlesex gazette, 20
Middlesex gazette, or, Federal adviser, 21
Minerva, 211.5
Minerva, & mercantile evening advertiser, 421
Mirror (1792), Concord, N.H., 282
Mirror (1797), Concord, N.H., 281
Mirror (1797), Washington, Kentucky, 90
Mirrour, 282
Mohawk Mercury, 486
Moniteur de la Lousiane, 91
Monitor, 15
Moral and political telegraphie, or, Brookfield advertiser, 205
Morning and evening gazette, 592
Morning chronicle; and the general advertiser, 193
Morning post, and daily advertiser, 422
Morning ray, or, Impartial oracle, 720
Morning star, 235
Morris County gazette, 344
Mott and Hurtin's New-York weekly chronicle, 423
Museum and Washington and George-town advertiser, 67
Museum and Washington and Georgetown daily advertiser, 68
National gazette, 589
National intelligencer, and Washington advertiser, 72
Neue Philadelphische correspondenz, 590
Neue unpartheyische Lancaster zeitung, und anzeigs, nachrichten, 537
Neue unpartheyische readinger zeitung, und anzeigs-nachrichten, 641
Neuer unpartheyischer Eastoner Bothe, und Northampto, kundschafter, 530
New Brunswick advertiser, 349
New Brunswick gazette and weekly monitor, 349
New daily advertiser, 675
New England chronicle, 194
New England chronicle, or, The Essex gazette, 209
New England courant, 195
New England weekly journal (1741), 144
New England weekly journal, 196
New Hampshire gazette (1756), Portsmouth, N.H., 318
New Hampshire gazette (1778), Exeter, N.H., 292
New Hampshire gazette (1780), Portsmouth, N.H., 323
New Hampshire gazette (1793), Portsmouth, N.H., 319
New Hampshire gazette, and general advertiser, 320
New Hampshire gazette, and historical chronicle, 321
New Hampshire gazette, and the general advertiser, 322
New Hampshire gazette, and Tuesday's general advertiser, 293
New Hampshire gazette, and Tuesday's liberty advertiser, 305
New Hampshire gazette, or, Exeter morning chronicle, 299
New Hampshire gazette, or, State journal and general advertiser, 301, 324
New Hampshire gazette, or, The Exeter morning chronicle, 299
New Hampshire gazette, State journal, and general advertiser, 324
New Hampshire mercury, 325
New Hampshire mercury, and the general advertiser, 325
New Hampshire packet, 231
New Hampsire packet and the weekly advertiser, 233
New Hampshire recorder, 312
New Hampshire recorder, and the weekly advertiser, 312
New Hampshire (State) gazette, or, Exeter circulating morning chronicle, 300
New Hampshire spy, 326
New Haven chronicle, 27
New Haven gazette (1784), 28
New Haven gazette (1791), 29
New Haven gazette, and the Connecticut magazine, 30
New Jersey gazette (1798), 357
New Jersey gazette (1777), Burlington, N.J., 339
New Jersey gazette (1778), Trenton, N.J., 359
New Jersey journal (1779), Chatham, N.J., 340
New Jersey journal (1792), Elizabeth, N.J., 341
New Jersey journal, and political intelligencer, 342
New Jersey State gazette (1792), Trenton, N.J., 360
New Jersey State gazette (1799), Trenton, N.J., 361
New London advertiser, 35
New London gazette, 36
New London summary, 37
New London summary, or, The Weekly advertiser, 38
New star, 283
New world, 591
New world, or, The Morning and evening gazette, 592
New York chronicle, 424
New York daily advertiser, 425
New York daily gazette, 426
New York evening post (1744), 427
New York evening-post (1794), 428
New York gazette (1725), 429
New York gazette (1759), 430
New York gazette (1795), 426
New York gazette and general advertiser, 431
New York gazette: and the weekly mercury (1768), New York, 432
New York gazette; and the weekly mercury (1776), Newark, N.J., 354
New York gazette, or, The Weekly post-boy, 435
0 New York gazette, or, The Weekly post-boy (1753), 433
New York gazette, or, The Weekly post-boy (1762), 434
New York gazette, revived in the weekly post boy, 436
New York gazetteer, 436
New York gazetteer; and, public advertiser, 437
New York gazetteer, and the country journal, 438
New York gazetteer, or, Northern intelligencer, 371
New York journal and daily patriotic register, 439
New York journal, & patriotic register, 440
New York journal, and State gazette, 441
New York journal, and the general advertiser, Kingston, N.Y., 381
New York journal, and the general advertiser, New York, N.Y., 443
New York journal, and the general advertiser, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 482
New York journal, and weekly register (1787), 442
New York journal and weekly register (1788), 444
New York journal, or, General advertiser (May 29, 1766), 433
New York journal, or, General advertiser (Oct. 1766), 445
New York journal, or, The General advertiser, 446
New York journal, or, The Weekly register, 447
New York journal revived, 415
New York mercury, 448
New York mercury, or, General advertiser, 449
New York morning post, 450
New York morning post, and daily advertiser, 451
New York packet, Fishkill, N.Y., 378
New York packet, New York, N.Y., 452
New York packet, and the American advertiser, 378
New York packet. And the American advertiser, 453
New York price-current (1786), 454
New York price-current (1799), 455
New York prices current, 456
New York weekly chronicle, 457
New York weekly journal, 458
New York weekly museum, 459
New York weekly post-boy, 460
Newark gazette, 352
Newark gazette and New Jersey advertiser, 353
Newbedford marine journal, 225
Newbern gazette, 501
Newbury and Marblehead advertiser, 249
Newburyport herald and country gazette, 236
Newhampshire and Vermont journal, or, The Farmer's weekly museum, 335
Newhampshire gazetteer, 302
Newhampshire sentinel, 313
Newhampshire journal, or, The Farmer's weekly museum, 336
Newport gazette, 649
Newport herald, 650
Newport mercury, 651
Newport mercury, or, The Weekly advertiser, 652
Nocturnal mail, 197
Norfolk and Portsmouth chronicle, 743
Norfolk and Portsmouth gazette, 744
Norfolk and Portsmouth journal, 745
Norfolk herald (1795), 746
Norfolk herald (1798), 747
Norfolk herald, and daily advertiser (1800), 747
Norfolk herald & public advertiser, 748
Norfolk intelligencer, 753
Norristown gazette, 540
North American intelligencer, 570
North Carolina centinel and Fayetteville gazette, 495
North Carolina chronicle, or, Fayetteville gazette, 496
North Carolina gazette (1785), Hillsborough, N.C., 499
North Carolina gazette (1768), Newbern, N.C. 502
North Carolina gazette (1789), Newbern, N.C. 503
North Carolina gazette (1764), Wilmington, N.C., 512
North Carolina gazette, or, Impartial intelligencer, 504
North Carolina gazette, or, Impartial intelligencer, and weekly general advertiser, 504
North Carolina journal, 498
North Carolina mercury and Salisbury advertiser, 509
North Carolina Minerva, 507
North Carolina Minerva, and Fayetteville advertiser, 497
North Carolina Minerva, and Raleigh advertiser, 508
Northern budget, 487
Northern centinel, 484
Northern intelligencer, 371
Norwich packet, 44
Norwich packet and the country journal, 46
Norwich packet and the weekly advertiser, 47
Norwich packet, or, The Chronicle of freedom, 48
Norwich packet; and the Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode-Island weekly advertiser, 45
Norwich-Packet, or, The Country journal, 49
NOth. Carolina gazette, 505
Observatory, or, A View of the times, 759
Observer, 220
Observer's guide, 587
Oracle of Dauphin, and Harrisburgh advertiser, 534
Oracle of the day, 327
Oram's New York price-current, and marine register, 461
Oriental trumpet, 101.25
Oriental trumpet, or, The Town and country gazette, 101.75
Osborne's Newhampshire spy, 328
Otsego herald, or, Western advertiser, 377
Palladium of freedom, or, The Baltimore daily advertiser, 123
Parker's New York gazette, or, The Weekly post-boy, 462
Patriotic courier of North-America, 676
Patriotic gazette, 239
Pennsylvania chronicle, and universal advertiser, 593
Pennsylvania evening herald: and the American monitor, 594
Pennsylvania evening post, 595
Pennsylvania evening post, and daily advertiser, 596
Pennsylvania evening post, and public advertiser, 597
Pennsylvania gazette (1729), 598
Pennsylvania gazette (1777), 599
Pennsylvania gazette (1782), 600
Pennsylvania gazette, and weekly advertiser, 601
Pennsylvania herald, and general advertiser, 602
Pennsylvania herald, and York general advertiser, 645
Pennsylvania journal, and the weekly advertiser (1766), 603
Pennsylvania journal and the weekly advertiser (1780), 604
Pennsylvania journal, and weekly advertiser, 605
Pennsylvania journal and weekly advertiser, 606
Pennsylvania journal, or, Weekly advertiser, 607
Pennsylvania ledger, or, The Philadelphia market-day advertiser, 608
Pennsylvania ledger, or, The Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, & New Jersey weekly advertiser, 609
Pennsylvania ledger, or, Weekly advertiser, 610
Pennsylvania mercury, and Philadelphia price-current, 611
Pennsylvania mercury, and the universal advertiser, 612
Pennsylvania mercury, and universal advertiser, 613
Pennsylvania packet, and daily advertiser, 614
Pennsylvania packet, and general advertiser, 61 Pennsylvania packet. And the general advertiser, 616
Pennsylvania packet, or, The General advertiser, Lancaster, Penn., 538
Pennsylvania packet, or, The General advertiser, Philadelphia, Penn., 617
Pennsylvanische fama, oder, Ordentlicher relation derer einlauffenden neuigkeiten, 618
Pennsylvanische gazette, oder, Der Allgemein, americanische zeitungs- schreiber, 619
Pennsylvanische staats-courier, 620
Pennsylvanische zeitungs-blat, oder, Sammlung sowohl auswartig- als einheimischer neuigkeiten, 539
Pensylvanische berichte, oder, Sammlung wichtiger nachrichten aus dem natur- und kirchen-reich, 532
Petersburg intelligencer, 755
Phenix, 286
Phenix, or, Windham herald, 53
Philadelphia advertiser, 565
Philadelphia aurora, 621
Philadelphia gazette & daily advertiser, 622
Philadelphia gazette and universal daily advertiser, 623
Philadelphia market-day advertiser, 608
Philadelphia Minerva, 624
Philadelphia price current, 625
Philadelphische correspondenz, 626
Philadelphische zeitung, 627
Plain dealer, 337
Plymouth journal, and the Massachusetts advertiser, 243
Polar star and Boston daily advertiser, 198
Polar-star: Boston daily advertiser, 199
Political and sentimental repository, or Strafford recorder, 287
Political banquet, and farmer's feast, 303
Political focus, 221
Political gazette, 238
Political intellinger. And New-Jersey advertiser, 342.5
Political intelligencer, and New Jersey advertiser, 350
Political repository, or, Farmer's journal, 206
Political repository, or Stafford recorder, 288
Porcupine's gazette, New York, 463
Porcupine's gazette, Bustleton, Pa., 522
Porcupine's gazette, Philadelphia, Pa., 628
Porcupine's gazette and United States daily advertiser, 629
Portsmouth mercury, and weekly advertiser, 329
Post-angel, or, Universal entertainment, 492
Poughkeepsie journal, 483
Poulson's American daily advertiser, 630
Present state of the New-English affairs, 272
Press, 760
Prisoner of hope, 464
Providence gazette, 658
Providence gazette, and country journal, 659
Providence journal, and town and country advertiser, 660
Public occurences both forreign and domestick, 200
Ranlet's federal miscellany, 304
Recorder, 488
Register of the times, 465
Republican gazetteer, 284
Republican intelligencer, 668
Republican ledger, 330
Republican star, or, Eastern Shore political luminary, 127
Rhode Island museum, 654
Rhode-Island gazette, 653
Richmond and Manchester advertiser, 761
Richmond chronicle, 762
Rind's Virginia gazette, 776
Rising sun, 314, 382
Rivington's New York gazette, and universal advertiser, 466
Rivington's New York gazette, or, The Connecticut, Hudson's River, New Jersey, and Quebec weekly advertiser, 467
Rivington's New York gazetteer, or, The Connecticut, Hudson's River, New- Jersey, and Quebec weekly advertiser, 468
Rivington's New York gazetteer, or, The Connecticut, New Jersey, Hudson's- River, and Quebec weekly advertiser, 469
Rivington's New York loyal gazette, 470
Royal American gazette, 471
Royal gazette, New York, 472
Royal gazette, South Carolina, 682
Royal Georgia gazette, District of Columbia, 84
Royal Pennsylvania gazette, 631
Royal South Carolina gazette, 683
Rural gazette, 51.5
Rural repository, 222
Russell & Davis' republican gazetteer, 285
Russell's commercial gazette and Boston price current and marine intelligencer, 152
Russell's gazette, commercial and political, 201
Rutland courier, 715
Rutland herald, 716
Rutland herald: a register of the times, 717
Rutland herald, or, Vermont mercury, 718
Salem gazette (1781), 246
Salem gazette (1790), 247
Salem gazette, and general advertiser, 248
Salem gazette, or, Newbury and Marblehead advertiser, 249
Salem impartial register, 250
Salem mercury, 251
Salem mercury: political, commercial, and moral, 252
Sammlung sowohl auswartig- als einheimischer neuigkeiten, 539
Sammlung wichtiger nachrichten aus dem natur- und kirchen-reich, 532
Saratoga register, or, Farmer's journal, 371.5
Saturday evening herald, and the Wasington gazette, 201.5
Scioto gazette and Chillicothe advertiser, 517
South Carolina and American general gazette, 684
South Carolina gazette, Charleston, S.C., 685
South Carolina gazette, Columbia, S.C., 702
South Carolina gazette, and general advertiser, 687
South Carolina gazette, and public advertiser, 688
South Carolina gazette, and the general advertiser, 689
South Carolina gazette and the public advertiser, 690
South Carolina gazette; and country journal, 686
South Carolina gazetteer; and country journal, 695
South Carolina independent gazette; and Georgetown chronicle, 703
South Carolina State gazette and daily advertiser, 691
South Carolina State gazette, and general advertiser, 692
South Carolina State gazette, and Timmothy's daily advertiser, 694
South Carolina State-gazette & Timothy & Mason's daily advertiser, 693
South Carolina weekly advertiser, 696
South Carolina weekly gazette (1758), 697
South Carolina weekly gazette (1783), 698
Southern centinel and gazette of the state, 79
Southern star, 677
Southwork gazette, and Philadelphia chronicle, 632
Spectator, 473
Spooner's Vermont journal, 721
Springer's weekly oracle, 39
Springfield and Northampton weekly advertiser, 260
State gazette, & New Jersey advertiser, 362
State gazette, and town and country advertiser, 661
State gazette of North Carolina, Edenton, 493
State gazette of North Carolina, Newburn, 506
State gazette of South Carolina, 699
State gazette, or, The Faithful centinel, 60
State journal, and general advertiser, 301, 323
State journal, or, The New Hampshire gazette, and Tuesday's liberty advertiser, 305
Staunton gazette, or, The Western star, 774
Staunton spy, 775
Stewart's Kentucky herald, 89
Story & Humphreys's Pennsylvania mercury, and universal advertiser, 633
Sun, 242
Sun. Dover gazette, and county advertiser, 289
Sunbury and Northumberland gazette, 541
Supporter, or, Daily repast, 634
Tablet of the times, 706
Telegraphe, 525
Telegraphe, and Charleston daily advertiser, 700
Telegraphe and daily advertiser, 124
Telescope, or American herald, 224
Temple of reason, 474
Tennesse gazette, 705
Thomas's Boston journal, 191
Thomas's Massachusetts spy, or, American oracle of liberty, 268, 269
Thomas's Massachusetts spy, or, the Worcester gazette, 270
Thomas's Massachusetts spy, or, Worcester gazette, 271
Tiffany's recorder, 385
Time piece, 475
Time piece; and literary companion, 476
Times. Alexandria advertiser, 725
Times; and District of Columbia daily advertiser, 726
Times, and the Patowmack packet, 69
Times, or, The Evening entertainer, 202
Tocsin, 95
Tree of liberty, 640
True American, 735
True American and commercial advertiser, 635
Ulster and Delaware gazette, 383
Ulster County gazette, 383
United States chronicle, 662
United States chronicle: political, commercial, historical, 663
United States oracle of the day, 331
Universal entertainment, 492
Universal gazette, Philadelphia, Pa., 636
Universal gazette, Washington, D.C., 73
Universal instructor in all arts and sciences, and Pennsylvania gazette, 637
Unpartheyische Reading adler (1796), 641
Unpartheyische Readinger adler (1797), 642
Vergennes gazette and Vermont and New York advertiser, 719
Vermont gazette (1784), 707
Vermont gazette (1797), 708
Vermont gazette, or, Freeman's depository (1783), 709
Vermont gazette, or, Freeman's depository (1784), 710
Vermont journal, and the universal advertiser, 722
Vermont mercury, 718
Vermont political & historical register, 714
Vesper, or, The Evening courier, 679
View of the times, 759
Village messenger, 274
Virginia argus, 763
Virginia centinel, or, The Winchester mercury, 783
Virginia chronicle, & c., 749
Virginia chronicle, & general advertiser, 750
Virginia chronicle and Norfolk and Portsmouth general advertiser, 751
Virginia federalist, 764
Virginia gazette, Norfolk, Va., 752
Virginia gazette, Richmond, 765
Virginia gazette (1736), Williamsburg, Va., 777
Virginia gazette (1751), Williamsburg, Va., 778
Virginia gazette (1766), Williamsburg, Va., 779
Virginia gazette (1775), Williamsburg, Va., 780
Virginia gazette (1779), Williamsburg, Va., 781
Virginia gazette. And Richmond and Manchester advertiser, 768
Virginia gazette, and agricultural repository, 729
Virginia gazette and Alexandria advertiser, 727
Virginia gazette, and general advertiser, 766
Virginia gazette, and independent chronicle, 767
Virginia gazette, and Petersburg intelligencer, 756
Virginia gazette & Richmond chronicle, 769
Virginia gazette and weekly advertiser, 770
Virginia gazette, and Winchester advertiser, 784
Virginia gazette, or, Norfolk intelligencer, 753
Virginia gazette, or, The American advertiser, 771
Virginia gazette, or, The Norfolk intelligencer, 753
Virginia gazette, or, The Winchester advertiser, 785
Virginia herald, 732
Virginia herald, and Fredericksburg advertiser, 734
Virginia herald, and Fredericksburg & Falmouth advertiser, 733
Virginia independent chronicle, 772
Virginia independent chronicle, and general advertiser, 773
Virginia journal, and Alexandria advertiser, 728
Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, & New Jersey weekly advertiser, 609
Vox populi Norwich packet, 50
Washington federalist, 70
Washington gazette, 74
Washington patrol, 485
Weekly advertiser, 38, 145, 258, 607, 610, 652
Weekly advertiser of Reading, in the County of Berks, 644
Weekly companion, 655
Weekly companion; and the commercial centinel, 656
Weekly journal, 146
Weekly monitor, 16
Weekly monitor and American advertiser, 17
Weekly monitor and Litchfield town and county recorder, 18
Weekly monitor and the Litchfield advertiser, 19
Weekly museum, 477
Weekly news-letter, 203
Weekly post-boy (1753), 433
Weekly post-boy (1762), 434
Weekly register, 51, 447
Weekly rehearsal, 204
Weekly visitor, 306
Weekly visitor, or, Exeter gazette, 307
Western advertiser, 377
Western spy, and Hamilton gazette, 520
Western star (1789), 262
Western star (1797), 263
Weymans New York gazette, 478
Wilmington centinel, and general advertiser, 513
Wilmington chronicle, and North Carolina weekly, advertiser, 514
Wilmington gazette, 515
Winchester advertiser, 784
Winchester gazette, 786
Winchester mercury, 783
Winchester political repository, 782
Windham herald, 54
Wochentliche Pennsylvanische staatsbote (1768), 639
Wochentliche Philadelphische staatsbote (1762), 638
Woods's Newark gazette and New Jersey advertiser, 355
Woods's Newark gazette and Paterson advertiser, 356
Worcester County intelligencer, or, Brookfield advertiser, 207
Worcester gazette (1781), 270
Worcester gazette (1788), 271
Worcester intelligencer, or, Brookfield advertiser, 208
Youth's news paper, 479
The numbers refer to entries, not pages.
Adam, Robert, 16
Adams, Abijah, 178
Adams, Daniel, 223
Adams, James H., 211.5
Adams, John, 55
Adams, Samuel, 55, 58
Adams, Thomas, 168, 178, 193
Albrecht, Johann, 537
Alburtis, John, 787
Allen, John, 147
Allen, John Wincoll, 184
Allen, John W., 210, 534
Allen, John Wincoll, 184
Amen, David, 730
Anderson, John, 397, 435
Andrews, Ebenezer T., 364
Andrews, Loring, 175, 261, 364
Andrews, Samuel, 57, 58, 59, 60
Angell, James, 119
Archibald, Robert, 492
Arnett, Shelley, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350
Arnett, Silas W., 506
Ashley, Timothy, 253
Babcock, Elisha, 3, 259, 260
Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 521, 547, 548, 579, 580, 621
Bache, Margaret H., 547, 548
Bailey, Frantz, 539, 570, 634
Bailey, Robert, 634
Baker, John K., 95
Baker, John Kelse, 98
Balentine, Solomon, 371
Barber, Ann, 651
Barber, Henry, 651
Barber, John, 370
Barber, Robert, 370
Barker, Francis, 213, 214
Barlow, Joel, 3
Barrett, William, 134, 236, 237
Bartgis, 774
Bartgis, Mathias, 785
Bartgis, Matthias, 128, 129
Barton, T., 641
Baxter, Daniel, 743, 750, 751
Beach, Lazarus, 8, 40, 41
Beasley, Joseph, 489, 492
Beaumont, William H., 90
Bedwell, Thomas, 634
Belden, Ebenezer, 396, 473
Belknap, Joseph, 131
Bigelow, Daniel, 268
Bigelow, William, 274
Billings, Nathaniel, 488
Billmeyer, Michael, 531
Bissiere, C.C. Tanguy de la, 587
Black, William, 357
Blake, Henry, 311
Blake, William Ward, 311
Blanchard, Isaac, 506
Blauvelt, Abraham, 346, 348
Blunt, Edmund March, 234
Boden, Elizabeth, 696
Boden, Nicholas, 681
Boinod, Danie, 556
Bond, Thomas, 727
Bonsal, Vincent, 58
Bounetheau, Gabriel M., 679
Bowen, Daniel, 27, 28
Bowen, Richard, 123, 782, 783, 786
Bowen, Thomas, 677
Bowen, Thomas B., 673, 674
Bowtorn, 774
Boyd, Adam, 510
Boydell, John, 139
Boylan, William, 497, 507, 508
Bradfrord, Andrew, 546
Bradford, Benjamin J., 86, 705
Bradford, Fielding, 87
Bradford, James M., 85
Bradford, John, 85, 87, 88
Bradford, Samuel, F., 560, 635
Bradford, Thomas, 544, 603, 604, 606
Bradford, William, 429, 546, 603, 605, 607
Bragg, Samuel, 217
Bragg, Samuel, Jr., 286, 289
Brewer, Henry, 253
Briggs, Isaac, 65
Brokaw, Abraham, 486
Brooker, William, 139
Brooks, 258
Brower, Abraham, 405
Brown, Andrew, 447, 566, 567, 568, 622, 623
Brown, Matthew, 115, 116, 723
Bruce, David, 684
Bruce, Robert, 688, 690, 698
Bruckmann, Carl, 641
Bruckmann, Carl A., 641, 644
Brumfield, Francis, 119
Brynber, Peter, 57, 58, 59, 60
Buel, David, 12, 13, 15
Buel, Jessee, 487
Buel, John, 395
Bulkeley, Peter, 2.75
Bunce, George, 387, 388, 389, 390, 413
Bunce, William J., 76
Burd, Joseph V., 665
Burdick, William, 101.75 163, 164
Burk, John Daly, 198, 199, 475
Burkloe, 494
Bushnell, Ebenezer, 51
Butler, William, 238
Byrne, John, 53, 54
Cameron, Alexander, 683
Campbell, John, 147
Carr, Anthony, 435
Carey, James, 551, 554, 559, 700
Carey, Mathew, 550, 553, 594, 602
Carlisle, David, Jr. 332, 334, 335
Carlton, Williaam, 245, 247, 250
Carpenter, Joseph, 520
Carroll, George, 437
Carson, James, 703
Carter, George, 731
Carter, John, 658, 659
Carter, John, Jr., 660
Chapman, 775
Chevalier, James, 420
Child, Increase, 371.5
Child, William, 371.5
Childs, Francis, 391, 398, 399, 400, 425, 454, 589
Childs, Nathan, 666, 688, 689, 690, 698
Cist, Charles, 542, 556
Clarkson, John, 780
Clayland, Thomas E., 112, 124
Claypoole, David C., 552, 561, 588, 614, 615, 617
Claypoole, Septimus, 552
Cobbett, William, 522, 555, 628, 629
Cobbett, Wm., 463
Collier, Thomas, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Collins, Isaac, 359
Colman, Daniel, 58
Commardinger, Andrew, 457
Connoly, Thomas, 495
Conrad, Ephraim, 543
Constable, Daniel, 702
Cooper, Elijah, 314, 344
Copp, Jonathon S., 161
Copp, William, 16, 17, 380, 382
Coram, Robert, 58
Couch, Mary, 248
Coupee, Francis, 509
Coverly, Nathaaniel, 242, 273,
Coverly, Nathaniel, Jr., 273
Cowan, James, 125, 126
Craft, Gershom, 357
Craig, Frederick, 56, 59, 60
Crookes, John, 401, 402, 420, 465
Croswell, MacKay, 376
Crouch, Charles, 686, 695
Crouch, Mary, 667
Cushing, Samuel, 274
Cushing, Thomas C., 210, 247, 251, 252
Cutler, James, 142, 180
Daabney, John, 251, 252
Dana, Elecutherous, 28
Davis, Augustine, 766, 768, 772, 773, 780
Davis, James, 502,505
Davis, Joseph, 668
Davis, Matthew L., 428, 475
Davis, Moses, 278, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 309
Davis, Thomas, 499
Davis, William, 736, 737, 739, 754
Davison, William, 744
Day, Matthais, 66, 360, 362
Dearborn, Benjamin, 317
DeForeest, Henry, 427, 429
Delafond, John, 409
Dennie, Joseph, 332, 333, 335
Denniston, David, 386
Deshong, Godfrey, 569
Dickman, Thomas, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216
Dixon, John, 757, 759, 762, 765, 767, 769, 778, 781
Dobbin, Thomas, 112, 124
Dodd, Henry, 484
Dodge, Daniel, 351
Douglas, Nathan, 2
Dover, Andrew, 527
Doyle, Alex, 66
Doyle, James, 66
Draper, Edward, 179
Draper, John, 148, 149, 154
Draper, Richard, 149, 155, 183, 185
Draper, Richard Samuel, 185
Driscol, Dennis, 474
Duane, William, 547, 548
Duclot, Louis, 91
Dunhaam, John Mosely, 310
Dunham, Josiah, 310
Dunlap, John, 113, 538, 561, 616, 617, 619, 562, 563, 614, 615
Dunmore, Earl of, John, 752
Dunning, John, 20
Dunning, Tertius, 20
Edes, Benjamin, 140, 141, 143, 264
Edes, Benjamin, Jr., 217, 140, 141
Edes, Peter, 92, 169, 650
Edie, James, 372, 645
Edie, John, 645
Edwards, Philip, 110, 111, 114, 120, 121
Egron, Peter, 587
Egron, Pierre, 586
Elam, 705
Ely, Edwards, 2
English, David, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68
Etheridge, Samuel, 188, 192
Evans, John J., 679
Farley, Amos, 712
Farnsworth, Havila, 646, 656
Farnsworth, Oliver, 646, 648, 655, 656
Faust, Daniel, 701
Fay, Galen H., 220
Fay, Josiah, 716, 717
Feguson, Robert, 499
Fenno, John, 410, 572, 573, 575, 576, 577
Fenno, John Ward, 577
Ferguson, Robert, 704
Fierer, Charles, 69, 729
Findlay, Jonathan S., 520
Finlay, Samuel, 543, 569
Fleeming, John, 136
Fleet, Thomas, Jr., 137
Fleet, Thomas, Sr., 137
Folsom, John West, 179
Forgue, Francis, 2.25, 2.75
Fosdick, Thomas U., 69, 729
Foushee, John, H., 760
Fowle, Daniel, 176, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321, 323, 324
Fowle, Robert, 318, 321
Fowle, Robert L., 299, 300
Fowle, Robert Luist, 305
Fowle, Zechariah, 191, 292, 293, 294, 301
Fowler, William, 724
Franklin, Ann, 651
Franklin, Benjamin, 195, 598
Franklin, James, 139, 195, 653
Franklin, James, Jr., 651, 652
Frederick, Craig, 57
Freebairn, Finchete, 120
Freeman, Edmund, 174, 175, 516, 519
Freeman, Samuel, 519
Freer, Samuel, 382
Freer, Samuel S., 383
Freneau, Peter, 669
Freneau, Philip, 345, 475, 476, 589
Fry, Joseph, 661
Furber, Thomas, 329
Gaillard, 556
Gaine, Hugh, 354, 432, 448
Gales, Joseph, 571
Gardner, George, 488
George, Charles R., 369
George, Daniel, 98
Gerrisch, Georg, 642
Gerrish, Robert, 325
Gill, John, 140, 143, 162
Gillard, Alexander, 542
Gird, Henry, Jr., 724
Goddard, Mary K., 119
Goddard, Mary Katherine, 122
Goddard, Sarah, 659
Goddard, William, 119, 122, 363, 593, 659
Goodwin, George, 4, 5, 6
Goss, Samuel, 712
Gould, Stephen, 351
Graham, David, 109
Gray, Edward, 255
Green, Anne Catharine, 104
Green, Bartholomew, 139, 147, 154, 203
Green, Bartholomew, Jr., 139
Green, Charles, D., 61, 62, 63, 64, 68
Green, Frederick, 104
Green, John, 151, 153, 173, 183, 186
Green, Jonas, 104
Green, Samuel, 24, 25, 32, 33, 105
Green, Samuel, Jr., 272
Green, Thomas, 4, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26
Green, Thomas C., 35
Green, Timothy, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 139, 144, 146, 196, 732, 733, 734
Greenleaf, Ann, 411, 412
Greenleaf, Daniel, 267
Greenleaf, Thomas, 392, 393, 411, 412, 439, 440, 442, 444
Greenough, William, 172
Griffith, James D., 312
Griffith, James Davenport, 162
Gruber, Johann, 641
Hall, Allmand, 511, 515
Hall, David, 598, 599, 600, 601
Hall, Ebenezer, 209, 244
Hall, Edmund, 103, 106
Hall, Peleg, 604
Hall, Samuel, 167, 184, 194, 209, 244, 651
Hall, Thomas, 131, 202
Hall, William, 598, 599, 600, 601
Halsey, Jacob, 352, 353
Hamilton, William, 536
Hammerer, John Daniel, 84
Hancock, William, 66
Hanson, S., 62, 63
Hanson, Samuel, 61, 65, 727
Harper, George Kenton, 527
Harper, Robert, 527
Harris, Benjamin, 200
Harris, Thomas, 337
Harrison, William P., 677
Harrison, William Primrose, 675
Harrisson, John, 414, 459, 477
Hart, Samuel G., 315
Haswell, Anthony, 259, 260, 266, 707, 708, 709, 710, 715
Haswell, Robert, 665, 666, 670, 671
Hayes, James, 771
Hayes, James, Jr., 105
Hayes, John, 117, 118
Heaton, Benjamin, 211.5
Heaton, Nathanial, 211.5
Helmbold, George, Jr., 626
Hicks, John, 186, 471
Hill, James, 488
Hodge, Abraham, 493, 497, 498, 506, 507, 508
Holt, Charles, 31
Holt, Elizabeth, 415, 441, 443
Holt, John, 23, 381, 415, 417, 434, 445, 446, 462, 482, 753
Holt, John H., 767
Holt, John Hunter, 753
Homans, George S., 286
Honeywood, St. John, 485
Hooker, John Worthington, 253
Hopkins, Eliott, 51.5
Hopkins, George F., 360, 396, 413, 421, 473
Horner, Samuel, 449, 450, 451
Hough, George, 275, 276, 277, 279, 280, 722
Howard, Bowen, 513
Howard, Caleb D., 494, 496, 513
Howe, John, 649
Howel, John, 135, 174, 175
Hoyt, William, 229
Hubbard, Thomas, 42, 43, 51
Hudson, Brazillai, 4, 6
Hughes, Edward, 685
Hughes, Greenberry, 665
Humphreys, Daniel, 585, 611, 612, 613, 633
Humphreys, James, Jr., 608, 609, 610
Hunter, Miles, 756
Hunter, William, 90, 778
Hurtin, William, Jr., 423, 457
Huske, Ellis, 150, 157
Hutchins, James R., 720
Hutchins, James Reed, 254, 720
Hutchins, John S., 716
Inslee, Samuel, 435
Israel, John, 640, 644.5
Jenks, Elezer Alley, 99, 101
Johnson, Benjamin, 641
Johnson, John I., 401, 402, 465
Johnston, James, 81, 82, 83, 84
Johnston, Nicholas, 83
Jones, Ira, 8, 40
Jones, Meriwether, 757, 760
Jordon, Augustus, 740
Jungman, Gottlob, 641, 644
Kammerer, Heinrich, 590, 626
Kammerer, Joseph R., Jr., 626
Keimer, Samuel, 637
Keith, Robert, 504
Kennedy, Andrew, 541
Kersey, William, 372
Keteltas, William, 407
Killen, Jacob A., 56, 60, 119
Kirk, Thomas, 373, 374, 375
Kirkaldie, James, 716, 717, 718
Kline, Geroge, 523, 524
Kneeland, Samuel, 139, 144, 145, 146, 196
Kollock, Shepard, 340, 341, 342, 342.5, 350, 438
Ladd, Eliphalet, 217, 286, 287, 288
Lahn, Jacob, 537
Lamont, Aeneas, 391
Lamson, John, 295, 298, 306, 307
Lang, John, 431
Langdon, Reuben, 706
Langworth, Edward, 119
Larkin, Isaac, 178
Lawrence, Daniel, 338
Leavitt, Dudley, 308
Lewis, J.V., 495
Lewis, Thomas, 139
Lewis, William, 449
Liebert, Peter, 531
Lillie, John S., 161
Loudon, John, 452
Loudon, Samuel, 378, 405, 406, 419, 452, 453
Loudon, Samuel, Jr., 403, 404, 406
Lunt, Ezra, 227, 232
Lyon, James, 714, 758
M'Clean, John S., 525
M'Corkle, William, 526
M'Culloch, John, 602
M'Donald, John, 365, 366
M'Farlan, Andrew, 680
M'Intyre, Patrick, 735
M'Iver, John, 666, 669, 670, 671, 688, 689, 690
M'Lean, Archibald, 416, 426, 431, 745
M'Lean, John, 416, 426, 745
M'Millan, Alexander, 79
Macdonald, Donald, 683
MacPherson, John, 625
Mann, Herman, 211, 211.5
Mann, Jacob, 343, 344
Mansfield, James, 668
March, Angier, 219, 234, 236
Markland, John, 559, 669, 671, 674
Marshall, Henry, 139
Martin, Alex, 107
Martin, Alexander, 172, 198, 199
Martin, Francois X., 500, 503
Marvel, Andrew, 363
Mason, William, 693, 699
Maxwell, William, 518
McRae, Alexander, 760
Mears, 494
Mecom, Benjamin, 22
Meigs, Josiah, 28
Mein, John, 136
Melcher, John, 316, 319, 322
Menut, Alexander, 476
Mercer, Robert, 731
Meredith, Hugh, 598
Merriam, Ebenezer, 206
Merrill, Orasamus, 706, 707
Mershon, John, 358, 361
Miffitt, Robert, 365
Miller, Henrich, 582
Miller, John, 687, 691, 692
Miller, John Henry, 582, 638, 639
Miller, Stephen, 2.25, 2.75
Mills, Nathaniel, 186, 471
Minns, Thomas, 189
Moffitt, Robert, 487
Moore, Seth H., 218
More, Benjamin, 74
Morse, Abel, 29
Morton, John, 398
Morton, William, 422, 450, 451
Mosely, John, 310
Mott, Jacob S., 423, 479
Mountford, Timothy, 632
Mower, Nahum, 267
Muller, Henrich, 638
Murphy, Maurice, 123, 490
Musgrave, Philip, 139
Mycall, John, 226, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233
Neale, Isaac, 338
Nichols, Stiles, 1
Nicholson, John, 634
Nicolson, Thomas, 765, 770, 781
Niles, Hezekiah, 58
Nutting, Samuel, 330
O'Conner, James, 741, 742, 746, 747, 748
O'Connor, John, 542
Oram, James, 455, 456, 461
Ormrod, John, 543
Osborne, George Jerry, Jr., 326, 328, 330
Osborne, John, 328
Osborne, John C., 501
Oswald, Eleazer, 443, 447, 583, 584, 585
Oswald, Elizabeth, 583
Paine, Seth, 669
Paine, Thomas, 172
Palmer, William T., 624
Parent, Peter, 545
Parisot, 408
Parisot, Claude, 409
Parisot, Labruere, 409
Parker, James, 23, 363, 418, 433, 435, 436, 460
Parker, Samuel, 462
Parker, Samuel Franklin, 435
Parker, Samuel S., 161
Parkhurst, Jabez, 351
Parks, William 102, 103, 106, 777
Pasteur, John S., 501
Patterson, John, 437
Patton, William, 108, 109
Pechin, William, 624
Peirce, Charles, 327, 331
Penniman, Obadiah, 364
Pennington, Aaron, 351
Phillips, Nathaniel, 664
Pierce, Richard, 200
Pinckney, J.D., 376
Pinkney, John, 779
Pinney, Elihu, 377
Pleasants, Samuel, 768
Pleasants, Samuel, Jr., 761, 763, 768
Pleasants, Tarleton W., 756
Poor, Benjamin, 95
Poulson, Zachariah, Jr., 630
Powars, Edward E., 132, 133, 138, 177, 178, 194
Powars, Edward Eveleth, 136, 265
Powell, Thomas, 685
Power, Nicholas, 380, 481, 483
Powers, Edward Eveleth, 133.5, 201.5
Powers, Titus, 80
Prange, James, 564
Prentis, William, 743, 755, 756, 770
Prentiss, Charles, 221, 222
Prentiss, John, 221, 313
Preston, Samuel, 274
Price, Ellis, 724
Priestley, James, 65
Purdie, Alexander, 778, 780
Purdy, Stephen, Jr., 414, 459
Ralston, Isaac, 529, 634
Rand, John, 101.25, 101.75
Randolph, George F., 76
Ranlet, Henry, 290, 291, 295, 296, 302, 303, 304
Reiche, Charles Christoph, 581
Relf, Samuel, 622, 623
Reynolds, George, 524
Rhoades, Ebenezer, 178
Richards, George, 728
Rind, Clementina, 779
Rind, William, 104, 776, 779
Rind, William A., 764
Rind, William Alexander, 70
Rivington, James, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 472
Roberts, T., 533
Robertson, Alexander, 45, 367, 424, 471
Robertson, James, 45, 367, 424, 471, 631, 683
Robins, William, 398
Robinson, Howard S., 95, 235
Rogers, Gamaliel, 176
Rogers, John, 243
Rosseter, Benjamin, 263
Roulstone, George, 496, 704
Royle, Joseph, 779
Russel, John, 142, 180
Russel, Joseph, 151, 183
Russell, Benjamin, 158, 159, 160, 181, 182
Russell, David, 707, 709, 710
Russell, Elijah, 98, 275, 278, 281, 282, 283, 285
Russell, Ezekiel, 157, 249, 329
Russell, John, 152, 180, 201, 256, 257, 258, 259
Russell, Joseph, 153, 173, 186
Russell, Joseph N., 152
Russell's, Ezekiel, 243
Ryan, John 449
Saunders, Robert, 401, 402, 465, 475
Saur, Christoph, Jr., 532
Saur, Christoph, Sr., 532
Saur, Samuel, 528
Schneider, Jacob, 642
Schusler, George, 541
Scott, Joseph, 570
Seddon, Thomas, 542
Sellers, William, 598, 599, 600, 601
Serle, Ambrose, 432
Seymour, Gurdon I., 80
Shearman, Abraham, Jr., 224
Sheppard, Thomas, 680
Sherman, George, 358, 361
Sibley, John, 494, 496
Silliman, Isaac, 672
Sing, William, 464
Smead, Benjamin, 711
Smith, Charles, 479
Smith, Dr. James, 475
Smith, John, 724
Smith, John Erdman, 77, 78
Smith, Robert, 564, 565
Smith, Samuel Harrison, 72, 73, 591, 592, 636
Smith, Thomas Perrin, 127
Smyth, William C., 58, 59, 120
Snowden, John M., 526
Snowden, Samuel, 723
Southwick, Henry Collins, 483, 654
Southwick, Solomon, 370, 651, 657
Sower, David, 540
Sower, Peter, 620
Spooner, Alden, 721, 722
Spooner, John, 225, 720
Spotswood, William, 553
Springer, James, 39
Starr, Caleb, 58
Stearns, William, 268, 290
Stebbins, Chester, 218
Stebbins, Francis, 253
Stebbins, Gad, 257, 258
Steel, James, 525
Steimer, Anton, 537
Steiner, Melchior, 578, 581, 590, 626
Sterns, William, 290
Steuart, Andrew, 512
Stewart, James H., 89
Stewart, John, 70
Stoddard, Ashbel, 379
Storrs, Roger, 8, 240
Story, Enoch, 612, 633
Sturtevant, Cornelious, Jr., 314, 713
Sturtevant, Elias, 314, 713
Sullivan, Paul J., 119
Swaine, John, 398, 589
Sweetser, Benjamin, 163, 164, 165, 166, 172
Talbot, Christopher, 553, 594, 602
Tanguy, C., 545
Thomas, Alexander, 332, 333, 334
Thomas, Isaiah, 190, 191, 207, 208, 227, 268, 269, 270,
271, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 358, 361, 364
Thomas, Isaiah, Jr., 271
Thomas, John V., 725
Throckmorton, William, 775
Tiffany, Silvester, 384, 385
Timothy, Ann, 681, 699
Timothy, Benjamin F., 680, 693, 699
Timothy, Benjamin Franklin, 694
Timothy, Elizabeth, 685
Timothy, Lewis, 685
Timothy, Peter, 681, 685
Tinges, Henry-Walter, 227, 228, 231, 232
Titcomb, Benjamin, 94
Titcomb, Benjamin, Jr., 100
Towne, Benjamin, 593, 595, 597
Treadwell, William, 315
True, Benjamin, 310
Trumbull, John, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
Trumbull, Samuel, 52, 52.5
Tucker, Benjamin, 235
Uncan, William, 753
Van Alen, Cornelius C., 401, 465
Vanderburgh, Richard, 483
Vandle, James, 673, 674
Vaughan, John, 58
Wait, Thomas B., 94, 95, 96, 97
Waite, George, 719
Waite, Robert, 719
Waldo, Elisha H., 205, 207, 208
Walker, John, 716
Walker, John, Jr., 716
Walsh, E., 681
Wands, William W., 384
Wands, Wm. W., 485
Warden, William 181, 182
Warner, Isaiah, 546
Waters, David J., 93
Watson, Ebenezer, 4, 5
Watson, Hannah, 4, 5, 6
Wayland, Levi, 428
Wayne, Caleb P., 170, 171, 574, 577
Webb, Joseph D., 413, 421
Webster, Bavil, 7
Webster, Charles, 416
Webster, Charles R., 368, 371, 379, 384
Webster, George, 368
Webster, Noah, Jr., 387, 388, 389, 390, 413, 421, 473
Webster, Zephaniah, 7, 256
Weld, Ezra W., 172, 256
Weld, Ezra Waldo, 255, 256
Wells, John, 682
Wells, John, Jr., 75
Wells, Robert, 682, 684, 697
Wells, Robert, Jr., 684
Westcott, James D., 725, 726
Westcott, John, 726
Weygandt, Cornelius, 530
Weygandt, Jacob, 530
Weyman, William, 430, 433, 478
Wheeler, Bennette, 662, 663, 657
White, James, 168, 193
Whitelock, John, 330
Whitmarsh, Thomas, 685
Wilder, Abijah, 314, 713
Wilder, Salmon, 223
Wilkinson, William, 658
Willard, Heman, 263
Willcocks, Henry, 536, 645
Willett, Charles, 739, 741, 742, 746, 747, 748
Williams, John Mason, 394
Williams, Judge Samuel, 716, 717, 718
Williams, Rev. Samuel, 716, 718
Willis, Henry, 506
Willis, Nathanial, 132, 177, 178, 194, 517
Wills, Henry, 493, 498
Wills, James, 491, 493
Wilson, Robert, 398
Wilson, Thomas, 71, 743, 749, 750, 751
Winship, Winn, 517
Winslow, Samuel, 290, 297
Winter, John, 130
Woodruff, Archibald, 624
Woods, John, 355, 356
Woodward, Moses H., 20, 21
Woodward, William W., 586
Woolhopter, Philip D., 80
Worcester, Leonard, 271
Wright, Andrew, 239
Wright, Charles, 75
Wyckoff, Cornelius P., 486
Wyeth, John, 534
Young, Alexander, 131, 188, 189, 192
Young, William P., 701
Yundt, Leonard, 108, 109, 115, 116
Zenger, Cathrine, 458
Zenger, John, 458
Zenger, John Peter, 458
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Travis Westly
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