Sky Keep - Skyward Sword Walkthrough and Guides | Zelda Universe (2024)

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Entering the Dungeon

The first thing you’ll notice when you enter this dungeon is that when you open the treasure chest that’s sitting ahead, it contains the Dungeon Map – and there is a very good reason for us obtaining it this early in the dungeon, which you will soon see why. When you view it, it won’t look all that normal either – the door to the right doesn’t actually lead to a room.

Head in that direction and you’ll find a stand here with several squares on it in the form of a slide puzzle. The rooms in this dungeon act as a slide puzzle – the squares on the board each represent a different room, so when you move one, you’re actually moving that room around. In total, there are four slide puzzles like this one located throughout the dungeon.

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To start off, slide the right piece to the bottom-right corner and then take the middle piece and slide it to the right. When the rooms have moved, head through the eastern door that is now accessible. We’ll be in a room that resembles Faron Wood’s dungeon style.

Take a right turn and cut down the trees here and then defeat the Deku Baba. Once you’ve done that, keep heading down this hall. Eventually you will reach a spot where you will have to use your Whip on a bar, but don’t do it yet. Instead, take out your Beetle and send it towards the rope to cut it from the ground and make it accessible for swinging. Now swing across the bar with your Whip and jump to the rope you just cut.

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Defeat the Skulltula in this area and then latch yourself onto the vines with youClawshots. While staying attached to the vines, latch onto the vines that are growing on the rotating pillar. When you’re latched onto the pillar, you’ll be able to latch yourself onto the target on the next platform. When you get to this platform, you will find a Furnix flying around, but you can easily defeat it by pulling it down to the ground with your Whip and striking it a few times with your sword.

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You will find that there are Pyrups hiding in the walls of the next area preventing you from swinging across. First keep your distance so that they don’t breathe fire, and then send your Beetle out to grab one of the Bombs on the rotating pillars. Fly above the Pyrups and drop the Bombs on them to take them out – there are three Pyrups in total for you to defeat before the path is safe. If you use a Bomb on the middle hole, it will kill all three of the Pyrups, saving you a lot of time.

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Now you can jump over to the rope. Swing over to the next platform – once you’re on it, equip your Gust Bellows and use it to move the platform in the direction of the next platform. When it’s swinging well enough, jump over to it. Save your game at the Bird Statue here and then pull the lever in this area to open the gate and create a shortcut so that you don’t have to go swinging all over the room again next time we’re in here. Now head through the northern door to enter the next room of the dungeon.

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Sky Keep - Skyward Sword Walkthrough and Guides | Zelda Universe (10)

Head to the left and pick up the Timeshift Orb here. Carry it around the corner to the east and defeat the Technoblin and Sentrobe. Now take the Timeshift Orb and set it next to the gate that’s shut. Climb up the steps here and pull the lever to open it. Go back to the orb and pick it up and continue through the opened gate. Stand on the floor switch, and then toss the orb through the hole so that it lands on the moving platform. Climb the ladder here and then quickly run to the end of this room. Step on the floor switch here and grab the Timeshift Orb.

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When you take the orb to the next room, drop it onto the platform with the pinwheel device. Run through the door to the north of here and use the Gust Bellows on the device to move the platform along the track. While it’s moving along, step on the floor switch to open the gate and keep moving the platform along. Keep going until the platform has reached the end of the trail. When it gets to a certain spot, a blue target will be revealed on the wall, so shoot it with an arrow to open the next gate.

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Pick up the Timeshift Orb and head to the next room, and then pull the lever to the left to open a new shortcut. Step onto the floor switch and then toss the orb onto the platform. Head through the gate, defeat the two Beamos, and then look above to find some more blue targets mounted to the wall. Hit the one on the end that’s been activated by the Timshift Orb, then pull the lever to the left using your Whip to cause the platform that the Timeshift Orb is sitting on to move. Once it has started moving, shoot the arrows at the targets as they are being activated by the moving Timeshift Orb.

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When you’ve activated all five of the targets, the gate to the left will open and we will have access to a new slide puzzle to rearrange the rooms with.

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  1. Move the Top-Middle slide to the Middle position
  2. Move the Top-Left slide to the Top-Middle position.
  3. Move the Left slide to the Top-Left position
  4. Move the Bottom-Left slide to the Left position.
  5. Move the Bottom slide to the Bottom-Left position
  6. Move the Middle slide to the Bottom position.
  7. Move the Left slide to the Middle position.

When you’ve put the rooms into their new places, head south to the past room and then west through another room and you’ll be able to access a new room.

When you’re in the new room, defeat the red Chuchu to the left and then crawl through the hole here. The right path is blocked off by a boulder, so take a left instead. There are some Bomb Flowers growing here that we’ll definitely have to use, so go ahead and stock up your Bomb Bag with them. Take a Bomb and roll it through the hole to blow up the boulder sitting on the other side. Now you can crawl through; defeat the Chuchu and then dig underground at the soil spot to head into an underground tunnel.

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Hit the red switch in this spot to move a gate above ground. Head back up and then crawl back through the small tunnel we came into this room through. We can get to the next part of this room now that the gate’s been moved.

Defeat the Dark Lizalfos in the next part of this room and then head to the western portion of this area. There’s a bomb statue here, so toss a Bomb into it to knock it down and reveal a diamond switch. Don’t strike it just yet – we’ll put it to good use later.

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Turn and find the flat rock that’s coming up from the ground and stand on it. Face to the north and you’ll see a pathway that descends and winds around lava, leading to a bomb statue at the bottom. You’ll need to toss a Bomb down the path at such an angle that it rolls down into the bomb statue without it heading into the lava. When you’ve managed to get this done, a door will open, so head through it and head across the gap to reach a new diamond switch. Like the first one, ignore it for now and we’ll get to it later. Climb up the vines in this area.

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If you look ahead you’ll see some trees growing with a Bomb Flower on the other side. Walk to the ledge here and toss a Bomb over to blow up some of the trees. Now you can send your Beetle over to grab the Bomb Flower behind it and blow up the remaining trees. In the east end of this room is a Bomb Statue barricaded by more trees. Send your Beetle out again to pick up the Bomb Flower and then drop it on the trees from above that are blocking the Bomb Statue to break them. Once the trees are gone, grab another Bomb with the Beetle and drop it into the bomb statue to knock it over and reveal another diamond switch.

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As you’ve probably already guessed, there is a certain order in which we must activate the diamond switches. The order is 2, 1, 3. Using your Beetle, strike the one in the northwest area of this room, then the one in the southwest, and then finally the one in the northeast. Doing so in the right order will open up the gate nearby. Head on through this new gate.

There’s another spot here that we can dig into, so go ahead and you’ll find a Bomb Flower. There are two boulders in this area that are a bit difficult to blow up, but it can be done. First you have to hit the Bomb Flower in here and then quickly make your way around so you can hit it a second time to blow up the boulder. Once you’ve done this, head around to the other side and hit the blue switch to move the gate back. Now head back up to the above world.

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Head past the gate we just opened and you will come across another soil spot to dig into, so go ahead and enter the next set of tunnels. There is a pair of Moldorms in here, and we cannot merely avoid them this time because they’re taking up too much room in the tunnels for us to safely navigate, so take them out one at a time and then crawl to the exit at the other side of the room to resurface.

There’s another slide puzzle in this area, but we’re going to just keep pressing forward for now. Pull the lever in this area and the gates will open, so head through and then head to the north to the next room.

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When you arrive in the new room, you will take on Dreadfuse, the mini-boss of Sky Keep, a boss that’s pretty much the exact same as Scervo from the Sandship. Just like before, strike him where he’s not guarding himself until he’s near the end of the plank. Soon he will pull the barrier spikes closer. Keep going at it the same way as before and you will defeat him in no time.

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Once the battle is over, use your Clawshots to pull yourself across the gap and reach the treasure chest which has a key inside. Head through the door nearby to reach a third slide puzzle.

There are only three rooms left to explore, each one which contains a piece of the Triforce. The first one that we can get is marked as a green-colored Triforce, which is currently located above this room, so slide the puzzle pieces of the slide puzzle around until the room with the green Triforce is to the left of the room you’re currently in. Once the rooms have moved, head through the door that leads to the room on the left containing the green Triforce.

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The Triforce of Courage

As you head along this pathway in the new room, you’ll find that there is a locked door, so open it with the key we just received from defeating Dreadfuse. There are two Metal Shield Moblin here, so take them both down by dashing up their shields and landing on their other sides to strike them in the backsides and defeat them. When you’ve defeated both of them, head through the next door.

There are a ton of Bokoblin Archers in this next room, so once you enter, quickly equip your Bow and take down as many as you can from where you’re standing, and then continue on. There will be more as you go, so keep a sharp eye out for any of them so you can shoot them down as well before they attack you. You will also encounter two Stalfos as you head through this room, but you can take them down easily. Once you’ve taken out all the enemies in this room, send the Beetle through the eyes of the skull statue at the top of the room to find some Recovery Hearts if you need to heal yourself. Once you’re done in here, head through to the next room.

There will be more enemies in this next room, including a large number of Cursed Bokoblin as well as a Stalmaster. The best tactic is to take out all the Cursed Bokoblin first and then handle the Stalmaster afterward. Once you’ve taken down all the monsters, head into the next room.

We’re finally done of all the monster battles for this section of the temple, so step forward and thrust the Master Sword into the floor symbol. You will then receive the Triforce of Courage. Afterward, pull the nearby lever down to open the gate. Head back in the eastern direction to the previous room and head over to the previous slide puzzle.

The Triforce of Power

When you utilize the slide puzzle table, move the rooms in a counter-clockwise motion untilthe room with the red-colored Triforce is located to the west of the room you’re currently.Now leave this room and head to the room to the west where we will find the next pieceof the Triforce.

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Turn to the left to find a water plant hanging down from the ceiling. We’re not going to hit it just yet – instead, send your Beetle out ahead and hit the diamond switch to make lava come out of the statue. Now strike the water plant to make it drop water into the lava and create a platform. Jump onto it and you will ride it down this lava path.

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As you’re reaching the end of the platform, quickly turn your attention to the water plant to your right and strike it with a projectile to create another platform on the other side. Jump over to land on the next platform. The path here will actually end in a waterfall of lava, but we can stop this by using a projectile to strike the diamond switch located just above the waterfall to stop it from flowing. You’ll now be able to ride forward safely to the ledge at the end of this path. Jump onto the dry land and then pull the lever here to open the gate.

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There’s another plant here, but don’t strike it just yet. Instead, send your Beetle out again to seek out the diamond switch that’s located just around the corner, near the ceiling. When you hit it, the lava flow will change. Now make a platform with the new water plant here and ride it down the pathway with the lava flow.

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Just like before, look to the right near the end of the pathway and you’ll see a water plant hanging that you can shoot to make a new platform. Once you’ve done that, get onto the new platform in the next path of lava. There will be another platform in this area that’s being shot up by a lava geyser. Jump over to this platform. Now send your Beetle back to the diamond switch we activated before heading into this area to change the lava flow again.

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There’s another water plant nearby, so strike it to create another platform to ride to the next area. When the platform you’re on is higher up, jump over to the new platform you just made and ride it down the path. When you get to the end of this pathway, latch yourself onto the Clawshot target to bring yourself back up to dry land.

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Thrust your sword into the emblem on the ground and you will then be able to collect the Triforce of Power. We only have one piece left – the Triforce of Wisdom. Now pull the lever here to open the next gate. Climb up the vines and head back to the other side of this room. Pull down the lever here as well and then drop down below. Head back through this door and run over to the slide puzzle.

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We’ll have to do some extra moving around with the rooms to reach the last Triforce piece. First, the room to our right has another slide puzzle in it, so move that room to the west of the room we’re in. Now use the slide puzzle in the next room to rotate the rooms until the purple-colored Triforce is to the right of the room you’re in.

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The Triforce of Wisdom

When you’re in the new room where the last Triforce is, take out the Electro Spume in here and then run over to the right and left the Timeshift Orb that’s sitting here. You may as well take it around this room to defeat the Technoblins and Sentrobe so that they don’t become a hassle later.

Now take the Timeshift Orb to the north end of this room and drop it along the edge of the wall. This will cause a set of pillars to rise up from the ground, and it will also causea small cage to open. Leave the Timeshift Stone behind and head across the pillars to the other side of the room to where the window opened. Now use your bow to aim through the small window and shoot the blue target to open another regular-sized gate.

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Now jump back down and grab the Timeshift Orb and carry it through the gate that you just opened. Take out the Deku Babas in this area before heading to the floor switch here. Don’t bring the Timeshift Orb too close however, otherwise the fan will be activated. Stand onto the floor switch and another blue target will be revealed on the other side of the room. Aim your bow through the openings between the fan’s propellers and shoot the blue target to make another gate open.

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Now carry the Timeshift Orb to the east end of this room and two more pillars will rise up from the ground. Leave the Timeshift Orb here and dash across the sand area to where you found the Timeshift Orb when you entered this room. Jump over to the pillars here and then latch yourself onto the target nearby. Because the Timeshift Orb is directly underneath us, its power should be activating and moving the gate here to let us through. Now thrust your sword into the symbol in the ground and then head over to collect the final Triforce piece, the Triforceof Wisdom.

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A cutscene will start, showing the full Triforce being placed into the Goddess Statue and causing the statue to break off of Skyloft and fall down below the clouds.

It’s time for us to head to the Sealed Grounds. After another cutscene, Link will have to travel through the Gate of Time to take on the final boss.

It should be noted that once you go through the Gate, you will finish the game after two boss fights, so if you want to stock up on items or finish up any other sidequests or upgrades, it’s strongly suggested that you do that before going through.

When you’re ready, head through the Gate of Time to take on the final boss.

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Guide director, fantasy writer and published author, webcomic and video game script writer, cat. I liked iced coffee, sunflowers, and long naps in the sun.

Sky Keep - Skyward Sword Walkthrough and Guides | Zelda Universe (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.